Restaurants in Husum (on the menu: Supper)

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Dragseth's Gasthof
Fish restaurant • Patisserie
Zingel 11, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 779995
Payment methods:
Husums Brauhaus
Restaurant • Brewery • Catering
Neustadt 60-68, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 89660
Payment methods:
Zum Krug
Alte Landstraße 2a, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 61580
Payment methods:
Abendrot im Hotel Rosenburg
Schleswiger Chaußee 65, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 96050
Payment methods:
Alex Kitchen
Rote Pforte 12, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 9396499
Payment methods:
Kneipe • Bar
Neustadt 78, 25813 Husum
+49 4641 5340
Payment methods:
Das Eucken
Restaurant • Hotel • Bar • Café
Suderstraße 2-10, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 8330
Payment methods:
Fischhaus Loof
Fish restaurant
Kleikuhle 7, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 2034
Payment methods:
Glücklich am Meer
Restaurant • Hotel • Café
Altendorfer Str. 4, 25813 Husum
+49 4846 6014888
Payment methods:
Handwerkerhaus Husum
Suderstraߟe 97, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 8038234
Payment methods:
Hartmann's Landküche
Restaurant • Tapas-bar
Neustadt 13, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 6682219
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Siemensstraße 30, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 775100
Payment methods:
La Mer
Fish restaurant • Bistro
Am Außenhafen 1, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 2938
Payment methods:
Osteria bei Peci
Hafenstraße 23, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 5515
Payment methods:
Großstraße 27, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 779916
Payment methods:
Tante Jenny
Restaurant • Café • Catering
Schiffbrücke 12, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 87725
Payment methods:
Cinema Diner Husum
Snack Bar • Fast Food
Neustadt 113, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 7799755
Payment methods:
Pizza Eck Husum
Snack bar • Pizzeria
Adolf Brütt Straße 60, 25813 Husum
+49 4841 7794072
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The best budget and fancy restaurants in Husum with supper on the menu (18) where you can enjoy delicious food.