Restaurants in Büsum (on the menu: Seafood)

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Moin Moin
Fish restaurant
Deichstraße 20, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 3979
Payment methods:
Tum Stüürmann
Restaurant • Hotel
Hafenstr. 11-17, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 8382
Payment methods:
Beckmann - Fischspezialitaten
Fish restaurant • Inn
Hafenstraߟe 5, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 2226
Payment methods:
Busumer Pesel
Sudstrand 15, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 1040
Payment methods:
Büsumer Barkasse
Restaurant • Family restaurant
Werftstraße 2, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 960333
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Bistro
Südstrand 9, 25761 Büsum
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Catering
Nordseestraße 98, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 984879
Payment methods:
Möller Die Büsumer Fischerfamilie
Fish restaurant • Snack Bar
Am Fischereihafen 10, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 938080
Payment methods:
Holstenstraߟe 1, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 93547
Payment methods:
Hummergrund 4, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 8500
Payment methods:
Zum Fischkönig Büsum
Restaurant • Fish restaurant
Hohenzollernstraße 18, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 965955
Payment methods:
Alleestrassee , 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 984900
Payment methods:
Dat feine Fischhus
Fish restaurant
Alleestraߟe 5, 25761 Büsum
+49 4834 2733
Payment methods:

The best budget and fancy restaurants in Büsum with seafood on the menu (13) where you can enjoy delicious food.