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Alt Connewitz
Restaurant • Hotel
Meusdorfer Straße 47a, 04277 Leipzig
+49 341 3013770
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel • Catering
Delitzscher Landstrasse 75, 04158 Leipzig
+49 341 52530
Payment methods:
Auerbachs Keller
Restaurant • Hotel
Grimmaische Straߟe 2-4, 04109 Leipzig
+49 341 216100
Payment methods:
De Saxe
Restaurant • Hotel • Sports bar
Gohliser Straße 25,, 04155 Leipzig
+49 341 59380
Payment methods:
Don Giovanni
Restaurant • Hotel
Schwartzestr. 1, 04229 Leipzig
+49 341 3088880
Payment methods:
Gasthof Zweinaundorf
Restaurant • Biergarten • Hotel • Catering
Zweinaundorfer Straße 210, 04316 Leipzig
+49 341 6513323
Payment methods:
La Toscana
Restaurant • Hotel
Permoserstraße 50, 04328 Leipzig
+49 341 2589154
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Biergarten • Hotel • Catering
Zweinaundorfer Straߟe 210, 04316 Leipzig
+49 341 6513323
Payment methods:
Am Wasserfall
Restaurant • Hotel • Catering
Am Sportforum 10, 04105 Leipzig
+49 341 25397730
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Breslauer Straߟe 33, 04299 Leipzig
+49 341 86790
Payment methods:
Fish restaurant • Hotel • Sports bar
Ossietzkystr. 36, 04347 Leipzig
+49 341 2348256
Payment methods:
Leipziger Hof
Restaurant • Hotel
Hedwigstrasse 1-3, 04315 Leipzig
+49 341 69740
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Paul-Gruner-straߟe 44, 04107 Leipzig
+49 341 26780
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Walter-Kohn-Strasse 3, 04356 Leipzig
+49 341 52520
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Gerberstraße 15, 04105 Leipzig
+49 341 9881228
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Richard-Wagner-straߟe 7, 04109 Leipzig
+49 341 98520
Payment methods:
Zill's Tunnel
Restaurant • Hotel • Catering
Barfussgasschen 9, 04109 Leipzig
+49 341 9602078
Payment methods:
Zum Pferdestall
Biergarten • Tavern • Hotel
Kastanienweg 11, 04178 Leipzig
+49 341 9410124
Payment methods:
Zum Pferdestall
Restaurant • Hotel
Kastanienweg 11, 04178 Leipzig
+49 341 9410124
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Hotel
Fabrikstrasse 17, 04178 Leipzig
+49 341 355366
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The best budget and fancy hotels in Leipzig (21), where you can have a good meal. The most popular cuisines are saxon, german, italian. Among interesting opportunities: overnight stay possible, tables outside, car parking.