Restaurants in Nierstein (option: Tables outside)

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Civitas Weinrestaurant
Marktplatz 9, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5714995
Payment methods:
Gutsausschank & Weingut Buhl
Restaurant • Wine bar • Catering
Tempelhof 7, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 59577
Payment methods:
Pizzeria • Trattoria • Catering
Am Marktplatz 2, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 61260
Payment methods:
Pizzeria La Casa
Pizzeria • Catering
Faulingstraße 44, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 927473
Payment methods:
Restaurant Plan B Nierstein
Restaurant • Grill bar • Catering
Marktplatz 3, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5779850
Payment methods:
Rheinhotel Nierstein
Restaurant • Hotel • Lounge • Catering
Mainzer Straße 16, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 97970
Payment methods:
Oberdorfstraße 16, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 925550
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Pizzeria
Karolingerstraße 6 a, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5689
Payment methods:
Wine bar
Tempelhof 5, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5410
Payment methods:
12 Apostel
Oberdorfstaße  20, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 58608
Payment methods:
Alter Vater Rhein
Restaurant • Hotel • Wine bar
Große Fischergaße 4, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5628
Payment methods:
Weingut Gehring
Wine bar
Außerhalb 17, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5470
Payment methods:
Haxthauser Hof
Wine bar
Langgaße 35, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 388768
Payment methods:
St. Urbanshof
Restaurant • Inn
Glockengasse 7, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 5502
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Restaurant • Café
Mainzer Straße 34, 55283 Nierstein
+49 6133 50194
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The best budget and fancy restaurants in Nierstein with tables outside (15) where you can enjoy delicious food.