Restaurants of Westphalian cuisine in Möhnesee

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Self-service restaurant • Catering
Seeuferstr 25, 59519 Möhnesee
Payment methods:
Forsthaus Wiesmann
Restaurant • Hotel
Suedufer 28, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 974174
Payment methods:
Fränkis Hütte am Möhnesee
Restaurant • Steak House • Fast Food • Catering
Wilhelmsruh 7, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 3309507
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Catering
Zum Weiher 7b, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 810234
Payment methods:
Seecafe Mohnesee
Restaurant • Biergarten • Café
Bornigeweg 19, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 8795670
Payment methods:
Torhaus Möhnesee
Restaurant • Biergarten • Hotel
Arnsberger Straße 4, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 97240
Payment methods:
Landgasthaus zum Tackeberg
Biergarten • Bar
Neuhaus 54, 59519 Möhnesee
Payment methods:
Wolf's Revier
Möhnestraße 29, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 5553
Payment methods:
Gasthof-Pension Schulte
Restaurant • Pension • Inn • Biergarten
Thingstraße 6, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 349
Payment methods:
Wolf's Revier - Dorfgrill - Motorradtreff
Restaurant • Biergarten • Fast Food
Möhnestr 29, 59519 Möhnesee
+49 2924 5553
Payment methods:
zur Pfeffermühle
Brückenstrassse 4, 59519 Möhnesee
Payment methods:

The best inexpensive and luxurious restaurants of Westphalian cuisine in Möhnesee (11) where you can have a good meal and wile away the time. Highchairs, motor bike parking, car parking are provided for the convenience of guests.