Restaurants in Bad Berleburg

Restaurant • Hotel • Café • Catering
Laibach 1, 57319 Bad Berleburg
Payment methods:
Alte Schule
Restaurant • Hotel
Goetheplatz 1, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 9204780
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Restaurant • Hotel
Hellweg 11, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2759 2149582
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Kaffeemühle Bad Berleburg
Sports bar
Talstraße 4, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 6633
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Restaurant • Gelateria • Catering
Am Marktplatz 2 · 57319 Bad Berleburg, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 448911
Payment methods:
Restaurant • Ice Cream Shop • Gelateria • Catering
Marktplatz 2, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 448911
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Schloss Schänke
Goetheplatz 8, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 920020
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Tavern • Kneipe
Hochstraße 15, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 6289
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Weidiger Weg 100, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2759 9469860
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Berggasthof Didoll
Family restaurant • Hotel
Didoll 1, 57319 Bad Berleburg
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Roggeros Alter Bahnhof
Restaurant • Bar
Bahnho straße 1, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 445317
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я_2_Britannia Inn
Am Breitenbach 11, 57319 Bad Berleburg
+49 2751 7004
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The best budget and fancy restaurants in Bad Berleburg (12), where you can have a good meal. The most popular cuisines are german, westphalian, european. Among interesting opportunities: tables outside, highchairs, car parking.