Restaurants in Wangerland (on the menu: Dinner)

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Restaurant • Hotel • Catering
Goldstraße 1, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 7100
Payment methods:
Zur Krabbe
Fish restaurant • Hotel
Deichstraße 1, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 279
Payment methods:
Alte Schneiderei
Lange Straߟe 25, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4425 9906991
Payment methods:
Brücke Hooksiel
Fish restaurant • Catering
Schleuse 2, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4425 991747
Payment methods:
Fish restaurant
Goldstraße 20, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 570
Payment methods:
Zum Schwarzen Baren
Lange Straße 15, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4425 95810
Payment methods:
Waddewarder Hof
Fish restaurant
Hooksieler Straße 1, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4461 2412
Payment methods:
Bauer Schild
Elisabethgroden 3, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4464 393
Payment methods:
Fischwerk Horumersiel
Fish restaurant
Goldstr. 40, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 991199
Payment methods:
Pfannkuchenhaus "Am Sieltor"
Family restaurant
Kuestenstraߟe 24, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4463 8097150
Payment methods:
Pfannkuchenhaus Am Sieltor
Küstenstr 24, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4463 8097150
Payment methods:
Altes Sielwarterhaus
Goldstraߟe 26, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 904911
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Hannys Radlercafe
Pension • Snack bar • Café
Störtebecker Str 15, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4426 1858
Payment methods:
Lange Straße 28, 26434 Wangerland
Payment methods:
я_2_Javenloch an't Diek
Javenloch 7, 26434 Wangerland
+49 4464 336
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The best budget and fancy restaurants in Wangerland with dinner on the menu (15) where you can enjoy delicious food.